Maximum peak systolic pressures were developed by isovolumetric, and maximum stroke volumes by isobaric contractions. When the load was varied to allow both pressure and volume to change in systole, ...
Constructive work (CW) included the sum of work performed during shortening in systole and the negative work during lengthening in the isovolumetric relaxation phase. Myocardial work index (WI) ...
1 Vascular Medicine Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 2 Heart & Vascular Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA Objective Prognosis in ...
A single centre study with a case-control design. Patients with overt nonobstructive HCM and a causal sarcomere gene variant (n = 44), carriers (n = 51) and age and sex matched (to the carriers) ...
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