Two crashes caused traffic delays Tuesday morning in eastern Louisville while other crashes are causing issues across the ...
A Colorado family of four, including a father in the U.S. Army and his pregnant wife, is back home after surviving a massive ...
Other budget items include requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote at BMVs and revoking $3.5 million to aid a ...
A Castle Rock woman — wanted on assault charges and detained after trying to escape — has pleaded guilty in Cowlitz County ...
Video released to the FOX 8 I-Team shows another wrong-way driver going for miles on a local highway, putting drivers in ...
A Barrow County couple suffered serious injuries in a car wreck near Seckinger High School on Feb. 4, after the wife took a ...
Another storm system is affecting millions of people in the middle of the U.S. Parts of the Midwest and Great Plains faced ...
Ohio's transportation budget was approved in plenty of time to make the deadline of the end of this month, and there were ...
The legislation is part of an amendment filed by Sen. Nick DiCeglie and attached to the state Senate’s Transportation bill.
We’re studying to look at the best solution. Not just from a cost perspective, but for the communities in that footprint," ...