Since 1997, the annual UNDP Report tries to measure poverty in the Third World using a human poverty index that considers other criteria than monetary income. These are : the probability at birth of ...
The D-index measures how an opportunity, in this case test scores over a given threshold, would need to be re-allocated across groups such that all groups would be as likely to achieve a test score ...
Leveraging national surveys, big-data advances and machine learning, Cornell researchers have piloted a new approach to ...
For its annual flagship Human Development Report in 2010, the UNDP replaced its human poverty index with an MPI constructed at OPHI by Alkire and Maria Emma Santos, now an assistant economics ...
The Human Opportunity Index (HOI) measures how individual circumstances (i.e., characteristics -- such as place of residence, gender, and education of the household head -- that should not determine ...
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) updates its poverty guidelines, illustrating the set minimum amount of income that a family needs for food, clothing, transportation, shelter ...
Respect for human rights is closely intertwined with addressing poverty and extreme inequality. Human Rights Watch research exposes how people experiencing poverty are often more vulnerable to ...