NIST's fecal RM helps standardize microbiome research to ensure accuracy, consistency, comparability, and reproducibility in ...
A unit of RM 8048 consists of four vials each from two dietary pools: omnivore and vegetarian. Credit: NIST The National ...
Scientists uncover new gut microbes in Africa and say their findings could help make medicines more effective.
Gomez Gallego’s research emphasizes the health benefits of plant-based foods and their bioactive compounds, particularly ...
A simple stool test may reveal why some people are sensitive to food emulsifiers such as CMC, offering insights into IBD risk ...
EnteroBiotix's IBS trial is the company's second to suggest there is value in the approach, coming a few months after the ...
"The gut microbes we are using now are a mix from healthy donors' fecal samples to ensure a variety of bacteria, but they can ...
Diet influences the gut microbiome. Foods high in fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, and antioxidants can support gut health and ...
The microbiome comprises all of the genetic material within a microbiota (the entire collection of microorganisms in a specific niche, such as the human gut). This can also be referred to as the ...
Bacteria have mostly been portrayed as villains that make us sick, but the Human Microbiome Project showed that we share our ...
Diverse plant-based diets in early childhood drive gut microbiome maturation, with weaning stage emerging as the dominant ...
Trailblazers in science and technology on April 5 will headline "On the Cutting Edge of Science and Tech: CA and Armenia ...