Getting hot flashes is normal during menopause However it can impact your sleep and cause discomfort Here are some ...
A nutritious diet rich in fruits, veggies, protein, vitamin D, and calcium, getting regular physical activity, and eating regular meals may provide menopause symptom relief. Read on for even more.
Q. My husband had been getting testosterone shots every three weeks for many years for Low T. I was concerned that this might be affecting his heart, so he agreed to stop the shots this summer and see ...
In this edition of The People’s Pharmacy, Joe and Teresa Graedon also hear from a reader wondering how they can find out more about diagnosing thyroid problems.
Ever wonder "Why do I feel nauseous" but can't pinpoint the trigger? It's understandable: Queasiness doesn't always have a ...
Red flag: Everybody goes through that. If your symptoms aren’t that bad, don’t worry about it. Red flag: If you’re still ...
Discover the hidden health benefits of kitchen herbs like basil, oregano, and rosemary, and how they can boost your wellness.
During their lifespan, women undergo many physical and hormonal changes . One significant change in their life is the stage ...
PERIMENOPAUSE is that vague period in a woman’s life when she transitions from her reproductive years into full on menopause.