Holy Week doesn't have a fixed date because it's linked to the lunar calendar and the start of spring in the Northern ...
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, Christianity's 40-day season of prayer and fasting leading up to Jesus ...
This year, Ash Wednesday falls on March 5. What is Ash Wednesday? Ash Wednesday is a holy day of reflection and repentance in the Christian faith. Beli ...
Holy Week timeline traces the final days of Jesus on Earth, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. It starts with Jesus entering ...
Each year in early spring, Christians across the globe celebrate their faith on Easter. Easter commemorates the resurrection ...
In many Christian faiths, it resumes with Holy Wednesday, or Spy Wednesday, before entering into the Triduum. The Triduum of Holy Week includes Maundy Thursday, or Holy Thursday, Good Friday and ...
In 2025, Holy Thursday is on Thursday, April 17, which means Lent ends at sundown on Thursday, April 17. Though it's not a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics, many parishioners choose to attend mass ...
What is Ash Wednesday and what do Christians do today? Here's what to know about the holy day. Many Christians will abstain from eating (or eat only one large meal), pray, and attend Ash Wednesday ...
Ash Wednesday is today, marking the start of Lent and the Christian Easter Season. The holy day, also known as the Day of Ashes, has roots all the way back to the Middle Ages. While most commonly ...