Here's your complete guide to peace lily care and troubleshooting solutions for the time you may wonder why your plant isn't ...
Spring is the ideal time to repot a peace lily houseplant, but only if the roots have filled out their current pot. It's also important to deadhead any faded flowers, "as the more you deadhead, the ...
A peace lily owner has shared the simple trick she uses to encourage her houseplant to flower - it also keeps the plant happy ...
A peace lily owner has taken to social media to share before and after photos of her once "dying", but now "thriving" ...
Peace lilies are one of the most popular houseplants around, but it can sometimes be tricky to get them to bloom - one expert ...
Peace lily problems? We’ve got you covered. Here’s how to help your plant flower and thrive. Peace lilies may have earned a reputation as one of the easiest flowering plants to care for, but ...
Peace lilies have been popular houseplants for decades because they’re pretty, easy-care, and long-lived, making them a great choice for new or experienced plant lovers. With their shiny green ...
Q: We put a lot of manure in our vegetable garden, now our potatoes are very scabby. How can we correct our problem so that we can grow nice potatoes again? A: Common scab disease in potatoes ...