London-listed miner Glencore has declared force majeure on copper shipments from its Chilean Altonorte smelter, where ...
Bei Gunvor sind es derzeit rund ein Dutzend Trader, aber auch hier sollen laufend weiter neue Leute dazustossen, vor allem im neuen Büro in Zug. Bei Glencore gibt man sich angesichts der ...
Astron Energy, an affiliate of the global commodity trader Glencore will invest up six billion rands ($328 million) in order to install new ...
Glencore announced on Tuesday that it's cutting production at its Cerrejón thermal coal mine in Colombia due to unsustainable ...
In a report released yesterday, Richard Hatch from Berenberg Bank maintained a Buy rating on Glencore (GLEN – Research Report), with a price ...
INVESTMENT analysts attempting to parse the comments of Glencore’s fast-talking CEO Gary Nagle at the year-end results presentation in February had much to ponder. Listening to Nagle, the company was ...
The Department of Justice is no longer requiring independent monitoring of the global mining and energy trading behemoth Glencore, cutting short a requirement that was part of a billion-dollar ...
Glencore Plc is doubling down on a cost-cutting drive at its Canadian copper and zinc plants following job cuts last year, in a further overhaul of its global smelting business following a ...
Glencore News: auf dieser Seite finden Sie alle Glencore News und Nachrichten zur Glencore Aktie. Dies beinhaltet die Agentur-Feeds auf, aber auch Glencore News auf einer Vielzahl ...
Gary Nagle, CEO des Rohstoffriesen Glencore, hat schon bessere Zeiten gekannt: Der Kurs des Unternehmens ist abgestürzt, der Gewinn ... ist der Aufbau eines Office in Zug geplant, ...
Glencore’s Canadian smelting assets comprise of Horne copper smelter in northern Quebec as well as Canadian Copper Refinery east of Montreal and CEZinc in southern Quebec. The operations ...