This valuable study presents a mouse gastruloid model that can be used to generate hematopoietic progenitors as well as leukemic cells. However, in its current form, the manuscript is inadequate ...
Version of Record: This is the final version of the article. This paper introduces a new transgenic mouse line that allows the labelling of the AIS and nodes of Ranvier by tagging Ank-G with GFP in a ...
Joseph Arboleda-Velasquez of Harvard Medical School praised the results. “Ye’s group has now provided compelling evidence showing increased binding affinity of ApoE3 Christchurch for tau and its ...
A team led by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Hospital del Mar Research Institute has developed ...
There, the researchers observed that the fish DNA elements now activated the green fluorescent protein in the developing transgenic mice’s outer ear, reinforcing the idea that the same ...
Stationed within the meninges, squads of immune cells lie in wait, ready to unleash an inflammatory assault within the brain if needed. Holding these trigger-happy troops back during peacetime falls ...
Serum anti-dsDNA Ab levels were measured using a mouse anti-dsDNA ELISA Kit (Shibayagi) at week 4. Fluorescence Microscopy and Detection of GFP-LCII Splenic B cells from GFP-LC3 mice were cultured for ...
The effects of radiotherapy on lymphangiogenesis in wound healing were determined using utilising an in vivo tail model in Prox-1/GFP mice. The tail model allowed interrogation of lymphatic ...
Parallel studies in mice confirm the arthritogenic potential of NFIL3-deficiency ... N-terminally FLAG-tagged human NFIL3-T2A-GFP (WT or carrying the M170I mutation) was expressed transiently from a ...
Organoids were cultured from healthy donor iPSC sources and differentiated using the human iPSC-derived Cerebral Organoid ...