Jarrod French, PhD, associate professor at The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota, is the recipient of a yearlong grant totaling more than $140,000 from the University of Minnesota Office of ...
Chelsea Langer, the Acting Bureau Chief for the Environmental Health Epidemiology Bureau at the New Mexico Department of ...
AMR occurs when disease-causing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites (pathogens) are no longer affected by the medicines that have been developed to ...
Detective Charles from Brooklyn Nine-Nine isn't alone in valuing sourdough bread. Sourdough, made from a natural fermentation ...
THE flock of pigeons at Ipoh Padang in Perak may be an attraction for some folk, but the mess the birds leave behind is an ...
Martin Van Den Berghe, CEO of Cytochrome, discusses catalyzing mineral weathering for permanent, safe, and cost-effective ...
If you’re navigating perimenopause or menopause, odds are you’ll encounter vaginal dryness at some point. Declining estrogen ...
The South Plains recently experienced nearly sixty to eighty mile per hour winds causing traffic delays, flight delays, power ...
Like people, bacteria get invaded by viruses. In bacteria, the viral invaders are called bacteriophages, derived from the ...
Ten years ago, nobody knew that Asgard archaea even existed. In 2015, however, researchers examining deep-sea sediments ...