Although Chernobyl is the most well known, there are a host of other radioactive places in the world in countries including ...
The older stands are blue magenta. Everything that’s younger is yellows or oranges or light greens. You can color it any way ...
The study found that increased dryness reduces plant diversity, especially after droughts. Rainfall boosts diversity during ...
Scientists discovered that rapid temperature changes due to climate change are forcing species to move or be replaced faster than ever.
Synthetic cells that look just like natural cells but are chemically reversed could outcompete other living organisms − with ...
Pesticides are significantly harming wildlife across the planet, stunting growth, damaging reproduction and even causing ...
“At that time most ecologists had a favorite kind of organism they studied: birds or plants or butterflies or beetles,” he said. “I wanted to study ideas. And I wanted to use mathematics and ...
Botanists have found a stand of rare trees in Tanzania’s Zanzibar archipelago not known to grow wild anywhere else in Africa.
Swampscott Conservancy Though it’s the shortest month, February can feel like the longest. With the holiday celebrations over and perhaps our New Year’s resolutions already broken, we’re left with ...
The largest agricultural boom on the planet threatens to destroy a spectacular savanna. Here's what happens when progress ...