New research has revealed dopamine and weight gain be more related than scientists previously thought they were.
Zebra finches learn their courtship songs early in life by first listening to their fathers and memorizing the melodies.
A study published Wednesday indicates that low levels of a key brain chemical among overweight patients with high-fat diets ...
At ACS spring meeting, researchers say nitrate metabolizers in the gut may promote α-synuclein aggregation through multistep redox mechanism ...
Researchers found that when mice had sex, their brain chemicals dopamine and acetylcholine worked together to produce ...
Dopamine is one of the brain's chemical messengers, transmitting important signals about learning, reward and motivation from ...
Many obese people report losing pleasure in eating rich foods -- something also seen in obese mice. Scientists have now discovered the reason. Long-term high-fat diets lower levels of neurotensin in ...
Your brain isn't broken—it’s been hijacked by dopamine overload. Discover how modern life is stealing your focus and how to ...
Your brain's chemistry fuels food cravings. Learn how dopamine, cortisol, and other chemicals drive your appetite and how to ...
The research group led by Prof. Wang Chu from the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering at Peking University ...
Using a novel quantitative chemoproteomic strategy, a research group led by Prof. Wang Chu from the College of Chemistry and ...