New research has revealed dopamine and weight gain be more related than scientists previously thought they were.
In his home office in Durham, Duke neuroscientist Richard Mooney shows a series of images of a bird's brain on song. In one, ...
Your brain isn't broken—it’s been hijacked by dopamine overload. Discover how modern life is stealing your focus and how to ...
Your brain's chemistry fuels food cravings. Learn how dopamine, cortisol, and other chemicals drive your appetite and how to ...
Summary: New research reveals dopamine has a previously unknown role: reshaping our memories of rewarding experiences. In a ...
New research expands on current understanding of the brain chemical dopamine, finding that it plays a role in reducing the value of memories associated with rewards. The study opens new avenues for ...
Zebra finches learn their courtship songs early in life by first listening to their fathers and memorizing the melodies.
The researchers used fiber photometry systems to detect neurotransmitters, which involved injecting the mice with fluorescent ...
To uncover what drives sexual behavior in animals, researchers studied the brain activity of male mice throughout the series ...
A study published Wednesday indicates that low levels of a key brain chemical among overweight patients with high-fat diets ...
The research group led by Prof. Wang Chu from the College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering at Peking University ...
Dopamine is one of the brain’s chemical messengers, transmitting important signals about learning, reward and motivation from one neuron to another. To monitor dopamine, the researchers used ...