This is the step many people skip—but it’s just as important. Cleaning earbuds is pointless if they go straight into a dirty ...
MOST of us are guilty of the odd nose pick when no one’s looking. It’s also not uncommon to dash through our homes wearing ...
Nano Hearing Aids (888-310-NANO), a leader in FDA-registered over-the-counter (OTC) hearing devices, has released a new guide ...
Ear issues nowadays are more common than you think. This is also because we are constantly by sounds and noises. When we ...
The good news is however, that there are ear plugs that can help you get (and stay) asleep no matter how loud the snoring ...
Earwax, medically known as cerumen, is a substance naturally produced by glands in the ear canal. It serves critical ...
Having worn hearing aids since I was two, there are habits which have become second nature when it comes to managing my ears and my hearing aids. I (almost) always leave my hearing aids in the ...
Maddie Maliszewska says there are some signs which should not be overlooked as they can lead to serious complications ...
A new report from RNID (Royal National Institute for Deaf People) reveals a severe shortage of ear wax removal services in ...
"Frequent use of in-ear devices, such as headphones, can push earwax deeper into the canal, preventing its natural movement ...
A survey by the charity found that one in three people have used cotton buds to try and remove ear wax while one in 20 people ...
A small amount of earwax is perfectly normal and actually beneficial, but occasionally it can accumulate, leading to various ...