In South African contract law, the doctrine of pacta sunt servanda, the principle that agreements freely entered must be ...
The author writes "Generally, under New York decisional law, contractual obligations standing alone will not give rise to tort liability in favor of a third party. Contracting parties assume duties to ...
Automotive contract law keeps evolving, and suppliers will need to continuously assess how these changes will impact them. As ...
A San Francisco law firm is taking a stand against the Trump administration. This is after several executive orders have targeted law firms and perceived political enemies. "His reasons for doing this ...
The right to repair includes the right to select who repairs the product. But what happens when the product is purchased ...
Legal advocacy groups sounded alarms on Saturday after U.S. President Donald Trump threatened new actions against lawyers and ...
The contract with Steptoe LLP, a Washington D.C.-based law firm, officially was backdated ... “Our goal in this case, as in every case, is to achieve a just process and outcome, public ...
Albertson’s LLC is free for now of claims that it breached a contract with California workers when it allegedly failed to ...
A newly-released report, “Contracted to Fail: How Flat-Fee Contracts Undermine the Right to Counsel in California,” exposes deep systemic flaws in California’s indigent defense system, focusing on the ...