A star called T Corona Borealis may "go nova" next week, making the star briefly visible to the naked eye. It last happened ...
T Coronae Borealis, a dim star in the Northern Crown constellation, is about to explode in a once-in-80-years event, known as ...
Plus: Observe two stunning spirals, see Venus reappear as a morning star, and enjoy the Last Quarter Moon in the sky this ...
The Pleiades, Ptolemy's Cluster, the Large Magellanic Cloud — here's how to center the sky's brightest deep-sky wonders in ...
The Appalachian Mountain Club’s Maine Woods Initiative is a 404 square kilometer area of land in the 100-Mile Wilderness. It ...
This stunning image features a deep field view of the Cassiopeia constellation where the two small planetary nebulas can be ...
Created from debris trails from Halley’s Comet, the eta Aquariids can be seen from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ...
As the vernal equinox approaches on March 20, 2025, the night sky comes alive with a dazzling mix of celestial events, including the rise of spring stars and a potential boost in aurora borealis ...
This rare exploding star event could offer a stunning cosmic display, a momentous occasion for both scientists and stargazers ...
SpaceX and other companies plan to launch tens of thousands of satellites, which could mar astronomical observations and pollute the atmosphere.
The "cosmic pinwheel" that astronomers feared could one day shower Earth with lethal gamma rays may not be as dangerous as ...