Canned salmon, long thought to be just a pantry staple, has unexpectedly become a valuable archive of Alaskan marine ecology.
Kevin Pangle, Ph.D, Director of the CMU Biological Station and the Department of Biology faculty member, has been researching ...
There are many different varieties of salmon available and, as I’m learning, they shouldn’t all be prepared the same way.
Before the 1950s, an estimated 5.5 million coho salmon, Chinook salmon and steelhead returned to California rivers as part of their natural life cycle. In 2022, only 93,000 of the iconic fish ...
“Salmon are already threatened by drought and loss of habitat, and now it’s clear our commutes and road trips are making it even harder for the species to survive. To give coho salmon a fighting ...
The North of Falcon process is under way right now that will decide salmon seasons for Puget Sound, the Washington Coast, and the Columbia River, including both freshwater and salt water fisheries.
Joshua and Kaya Scordino feeding coho salmon babies at Willow Creek Salmon Hatchery. (Photo by Joe Scordino) Photo by Ron ...
The Edmonds Stream Team released 5,000 “baby” chum salmon into lower Shell Creek on Monday. These chum salmon “fry” were ...