Three species of cicada that only emerge once every 17 years are gearing up to spring to the surface in droves.
which made for massive amounts of cicadas in the Chicago area in 2024. A second brood known as Brood I wasn't expected to fully emerge until 2029, but cicada expert Dr. John Cooley told the ...
Brown branches are giveaways that cicadas burrowed their eggs there. The eggs boosted the mite population, and they can fall ...
Cicadas will likely first emerge during the third week of April or when areas experience “good rain,” cicada expert Gene ...
That itchy bug bite on your leg might not be from a mosquito. In fact, it could be from an oak itch mite, which feed off cicada eggs -- and bug spray can't stop them. “We have seen a significant ...
Kritsky said cicadas have been reported to lead to oak leaf itch mite, but that’s mainly when people spend time under oak trees six to 10 weeks after the cicadas have laid their eggs.