All languages likely come from a single original one, and early people began spreading around the world 135,000 years ago.
Humans speak more than 7,000 languages today. As different as they all seem, researchers argue in a new review that they all ...
March 18 is Trisomy 18 Awareness Day. The condition, also called Edwards syndrome, occurs when a person has an extra ...
Humans' unique language capacity was present at least 135,000 years ago, according to a survey of genomic evidence. As such, language might have entered social use 100,000 years ago.
Kuwait on Friday marks the World Down Syndrome Day, which falls on March 21st, aiming at raising public awareness of Down ...
Cambridge University researchers have uncovered evidence that two distinct populations of ancient hominins, separated for ...
This date serves as a “lower boundary” for when language capacity must have emerged. But since Homo sapiens is at least ...
AT just 15 years old, Rochelle Persad is already making a name for herself as an entrepreneur, proving that passion and ...
One of the most profound questions about human history is when language, as we know it, first emerged. A new analysis of ...
New genetic research suggests that humans first developed language around 135,000 years ago when populations began ...
When did human language begin? It’s a deep question about our past. A new study suggests that humans had the ability to use ...