From 6000 BC, the Chinese harvested salt crystals from Lake Yungchen which partially dried in the summer sun. Many other ...
IN 1910 news editors all along Fleet Street were dispatching their top reporters by the fastest train possible to Droitwich, a fairly sleepy mid-Worcestershire town not particularly known for undue ...
The Atacama Desert is a major source of lithium for EV batteries. As global demand ramps up, the local Lickanantay people are ...
A new study by the NYC Department of Environmental Preservation says high salt levels could force the shut down of ...
Instead of continuing to dig tunnels or pits, some scientists are looking to a promising yet challenging source of minerals: ...
In the past, the Gold Coast has been dismissed as all gloss and no substance – but look beyond the polish and there’s a ...
A Brazilian doctor has died after suffering a heart attack as he delivered a child. Francisco Xavier do Carmo's medic son Fabricio was among the health professionals who made repeated attempts to ...
Young people with colon cancer are 'significantly' more likely to die from heart problems than the general population, experts warn. Researchers found people with colorectal cancer were 16 ...