Scotty and Jo Herriman, of South Coffeyville, Oklahoma, were the recipients of the 2024 Oklahoma Leopold Conservation Award.
The cereal rye was terminated with herbicide ... and the fact that earthworms are now abundant in the diverse crop rotation," he said. "It's interesting to note that both rotations used a ...
More information: Lowell E. Gentry et al, A diverse rotation of corn-soybean-winter wheat/double crop soybean with cereal rye after corn reduces tile nitrate loss, Frontiers in Environmental ...
A nine-year study comparing a typical two-year corn and soybean rotation with a more intensive three-year rotation involving corn, cereal rye, soybean and winter wheat, found that the three-year ...
An area equivalent to roughly half the size of Greater London is now being used across England to grow maize to produce ...
When they bought it, cereal crops and grassland made up most ... is "rebuilding" the soil on the farm by focusing on a crop rotation using what's known as a herbal ley, a mix of herbs, grasses ...
Legumes are added to the rotation in between cereals to add a break in the cropping rotation. However, there are years when it might be more economically viable to grow cereal on cereal.