Sebastien Beauzile, 21, became the first person in New York state to be made symptom-free of sickle cell disease after ...
A new method is developed to track dormant HIV-infected cells. This breakthrough may lead to new treatments that eliminate ...
MS patients on anti-CD20 therapies are significantly less likely to discontinue treatment than those given other DMTs, a ...
LONG ISLAND, NY (WCBS) - A 21-year-old man has become the first in New York to be cured of sickle cell anemia. “We feel ...
Two years after Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon, US president Richard Nixon declared a new frontier in American scientific ...
Metastasis is responsible for the majority of cancer-related deaths, as cancer cells break away from the original tumour and ...
There are three main types of ovarian cancer: epithelial, germ cell, and stromal. Learn about each type’s defining ...
The EMA warns of products being sold as dendritic cell therapies with little evidence, but high health risks, in the European ...
A Long Island hospital has successfully treated Sebastien Beauzile, a 21-year-old from Laurelton, with the groundbreaking ...
In humans and other multicellular organisms, cells multiply. This defining feature allows embryos to grow into adulthood, and ...
This cancer-patient dad of three young kids is grateful for a "sci-fi" blood treatment advanced by Vanderbilt and oncologist Dr. Olalekan Oluwole.
Crizanlizumab (Adakveo) failed to outperform placebo in patients with sickle cell disease, the phase III STAND trial showed.