And if this is your first child, your cat simply may not like that they now have to share your attention. Unfortunately, it ...
Crush the cat can't wait for his baby sister, Cora, to wake up. Watch as he paces outside her room, meowing with anticipation, until he's finally allowed in to groom her bedhead.
Crush the orange tabby cat loves his human sister Cora and greets her each morning with an enthusiastic grooming session ...
"When Zelda was born I was genuinely the most concerned about how Wheatie would be with her," Alexis told Newsweek. "But she ...
For instance, one usually timid feral Tuxedo cat saw a baby girl hanging outside with Mom and decided then and there she's ...
Ask the Shelter is a weekly feature aimed at pet education. If you have a question, contact Jennifer Vanderau, public relations coordinator, for the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter, at ...
COLUMBIA COUNTY, Ga. (WJBF) – A Columbia County man is accused of abusing his dog. According to reports from the Columbia ...
A “mysterious” ancient cat has been born at a zoo in Tennessee as part of a species survival plan for the rare predators ...