A UConn grad is navigating the complexities of history, regulation, and climate change in the push to restore Indigenous ...
Many Canadians are prepared to reconsider issues that previously seemed sacred or taboo, such as carbon pricing or ...
A highly adapted omnivore in North America ... curid=1214764, Wikimedia commons The caribou belongs to the reindeer species, and its four variants are found in North America. These species range from ...
Western Alaska’s Mulchatna caribou herd consisted of nearly 200,000 animals in 1997. Today, it has dwindled to 13,000. Photo by Craig McCaa / BLM Wildlife officials in Alaska are pushing back on a ...
"With this adaptation, we wanted to celebrate sexual empowerment by giving voice to the desires that were once left unsaid and of course, highlight female agency and pleasure." The fact that ...
Welcome to the Age of Adaptation, when a growing number of people are coming to realize that the Big, Bad Climate Wolf isn’t going away — and is only getting stronger. As the children’s ...
Recent research out of the University of British Columbia led by Dr. Clayton Lamb tracked the migration patterns of certain threatened herds of caribou across Canada. The conclusion? The patterns were ...
Referring to a little-known provision, it said power plants and others could write to seek exemptions to mercury and other restrictions and that “the president will make a decision.” By ...
Mar. 19, 2025 — To understand why kangaroos hop -- a rarity among animals -- researchers have studied the musky rat-kangaroo (Hypsiprymnodon moschatus), a diminutive marsupial that weighs only ...