The booing of your National Anthem by a few bad apples does not reflect the views of all Canadians. I love you all. Always ...
The day of reckoning is finally upon us Canadians! For decades, Canada has relied on the military protection of the USA for ...
I was heartened to read the letters in the Citizen from Americans who are both embarrassed by and angry with their ...
Liberals latched on Trump basically threw out a lifeline and only the Liberals were smart enough to latch onto it immediately ...
With your population of 40 million (almost twice the size of Florida), you would be entitled to dozens of congressmen and at least two more U.S. senators. The Senate and House will need your votes to ...
Dearest Canada: I am so, so very sorry ... We invite you to write letters to the editor. A maximum of 150 words is preferred. Letters must carry a first and last name, or two initials and a ...
Nayeli Jimenez from Leadnow highlights that “Net immigration accounted for half of Canada’s GDP growth between 2016 and 2019, and those contributions are likely even greater now. International ...
Bill 96 unilaterally amends Canada’s Constitution to include Quebec ... But Quebec will miss out. We prioritize letters that respond to, or are inspired by, articles published by The Gazette.
America’s First Felon started this mess. He demanded that Canada spend $1.2 billion to improve its border security with the U.S. or he would apply tariffs on everything imported from Canada.
A better explanation for Trump’s supposed preference is that he wants to remain the biggest whiner in the political patch, ...
Regarding the closing of the Somerset West safe injection site, I actually believe that all of these sites should have never ...