A community of rare fish enthusiasts collects endangered species of freshwater fish from lakes and springs around the world, ...
The central Dutch city of Utrecht has installed a “fish doorbell” that lets viewers of an online livestream help fish in ...
When fishers on Lake Chilwa cast their nets, they don’t know whether there are fish below, or something else entirely. “We ...
The sea mammals may actually be able to sense the amount of oxygen in their blood—something we humans can't do.
Through urine, feces, placentas, carcasses and sloughing skin, whales bring thousands of tons of nitrogen and other nutrients from high-latitude areas like Alaska and Antarctica to low-nutrient ...
Dehradun: Ocean acidification is accelerating at an alarming rate, with ocean surface pH declining globally at –0.
The seals’ ability to detect the amount of oxygen in their blood may help them make diving decisions and avoid drowning.
The call center belonged to Freshwater Software, a now defunct company based in Boulder, Colorado. Instead of traditional ...