Four blank-firing guns, among other weapons, have been removed from the streets of Lancashire as part of a national firearms amnesty. The amnesty was launched after tests by the National Crime ...
A number of blank-firing guns have been handed in to Derbyshire Police during an amnesty this month. The force said it had accepted 13 so-called top-venting blank firing (TVBF) weapons at police ...
FOUR guns have been taken off the streets of York and North Yorkshire after a national amnesty was announced last month. North Yorkshire Police has shared images of four Turkish-manufactured top ...
Dozens of blank-firing guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition have been handed in during a month-long firearms amnesty in Essex. Essex Police, led by the Serious Crime Directorate, participated ...
More than 40 guns which fire blanks were handed into Surrey Police and Sussex Police following a four-week firearms amnesty. The plea for Turkish-manufactured top-venting blank firers (TVBFs ...
Three blank-firing guns have been removed from Gloucestershire's streets as part of a nationwide amnesty. Police forces ...
Over 30 blank firing guns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition have been handed into Essex Police, as part of a month-long firearms amnesty. Led by Essex Police Serious Crime Directorate ...
Forty-five blank-firing guns have been handed over to South Yorkshire Police during a month-long amnesty. In February, police forces across the UK took part in a campaign aimed at the owners of ...
More than 40 illegal blank firing guns were handed into Surrey and Sussex police stations in February More than 40 guns which fire blanks were handed into Surrey Police and Sussex Police following ...
Frank Bruni, a New York Times columnist and Duke University professor, will hold a March 25 talk as part of the Rappaport Speaker Series. The talk will be held at Temple Beit HaYam of Stuart ...