Researchers from Penn’s School of Dental Medicine discovered that training the innate immune system may lead to increased bone loss in inflammatory conditions such as periodontitis and arthritis.
A new study in The Journal of Immunology reveals how a high-fat diet may impair the immune system's ability to respond to infection by impacting the function of neutrophils, one of the first immune ...
We also specialize in bone cartilage and connective tissue, immunology, autoimmunity, and neuroimmunology. The membership of the CAMBAC have a strong commitment to the development of training programs ...
Vaccine effectiveness relies on creating a strong antibody response that can be reactivated to fight future infections. Now, ...
solid organ and bone marrow transplantation, and immune dysregulation. Our program is to produce physicians and physician scientists who will be leaders in the field in academic medicine and patient ...
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are potent bone inducers used clinically to enhance fracture repair. BMPs have been shown to be produced in the fracture callus; however, the comparative ...
The goal of this project is to create bone-like synthetic matrices for bone regeneration using technologies such as electrospinning and 3D printing. The composite scaffolds produced by our group ...
The program provides a diverse and comprehensive clinical and didactic training experience in all aspects of allergy and immunology, including allergic diseases, asthma, congenital and acquired ...