However, the best soil for raised beds depends on ... The USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) covers farm practices, including soils and other substances applied to crops like organic fertilizer.
First, look at how well water moves up and down the soil profile, says Farm Journal Field Agronomist ... He believes the best life lessons can be found down a dirt road.
I recently got a question from a reader about where to get good soil and compost. Part of her request was for “organic” soil ...
We generate significant amounts of food and organic waste. It often ends up in landfill, but it doesn’t have to! By ...
Soils are our most important resource, a reality that is rising in prominence as the world seeks to feed its fast-growing ...
What is sown can weigh heavily on both the short- and long-term sustainability of the rotation. In recognition of the critical importance of production – the yields and gross margins of now and the ...