Save yourself aggravation and excess work by heeding the advice of the professionals and avoid planting these species in your ...
Pennsylvania falls within the defined USDA Northeast region of the U.S.: the western Pennsylvania specific USDA Planting Zone ...
Fragile highland ecosystems showed low resilience to fire, which renders them more vulnerable to long-term degradation.
Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii): In full sun ... It’s official though; this species is now banned from sales in Pennsylvania. Birds love the late season berries and disperse them ...
In berberis we get a genus of shrub possessing the highest qualifications for purposes of ornament; and all the grander evergreen species do better under trees than in the open; in fact ...
The tall shrub thickets restrict vision into the green. “The shrubs are mainly Berberis, a non-native species, that had become very overgrown and were choked with brambles and nettles, that were ...
On the steep wooded sides of the valley, tree peonies, delphiniums, bursts of thalictrum foliage, gentians, potentillas, marjoram, Pyracantha and Berberis jostled with ... in the world being home to ...
If these aggressive and invasive plants aren’t contained, they can end up harming the environment, animals, insects, and ...