Oklahoma House passes bill requiring fetal development video for high school graduation, sparking debate over anti-abortion ...
A controversial anti-abortion video could become part of the curriculum for Oklahoma students in November after legislation ...
Taylor Henderson, 28, from Texas, was already pregnant but she conceived another baby two weeks later - a one-in-a-billion ...
It's believed that Lalit Patidar is one of fewer than 50 people to experience hypertrichosis worldwide since the Middle Ages ...
While the causes of hypertrichosis remain largely unknown, specialists believe that cancer, malnutrition and even gene ...
Meanwhile, about 1.5% of children with neuroblastoma are in the high-risk category which is very difficult to cure. Therefore ...
March 18 is Trisomy 18 Awareness Day. The condition, also called Edwards syndrome, occurs when a person has an extra ...
Beberapa jenis vitamin tambahan ini bisa membahayakan janin jika dikonsumsi berlebihan. Maka dari itu, sebaiknya Bunda berkonsultasi dengan dokter terlebih dahulu.
Since DNA was first isolated in 1869, to the first draft of the human genome sequence being released in 2001, genomics has ...
Prof Al-Fareed Zafar said, “In some cases due to the complications of diabetes the child gains more weight which not only ...
Baby Jamie’s little heart stopped beating the day he was born. His brief life left a profound impact on those around him — a ...
An artificial womb aims to replicate all these processes mechanically, keeping the baby suspended in a bag filled with artificial amniotic fluid and exchanging nutrients through a mechanical placenta.