The Portland Museum of Art continues its annual tradition of Youth Art Month, and Scarborough students comment on their ...
On Saturday, March 29, art students from all the FAC (Frontier Athletic Conference) schools — which include McClain, ...
Joseph Roach, 18, a senior at Manheim Central High School, won first place in the works on paper category at the Art of the ...
Art History, once a staple in every college humanities curriculum, is now seen as elitist and futile. With Donald Trump back ...
Area students who have an acrylic painting, charcoal drawing or clay sculpture on display at the Sioux City Art Center for ...
Lucas, who earned a bachelor of fine arts (BFA) degree with an animation and interactive media concentration from UMass ...
ArtSpace-Lima hosted the 37th annual Kewpee High School Art Invitational on Thursday night, showcasing the work of student ...
U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman, R-District 4, recently announced that the annual Congressional Art Competition is accepting ...
Ghanaian actress and founder of Yvonne Nelson International School, Yvonne Nelson has inspired her students how to draw and ...
Minneapolis tattoo artist Willard Malebear, Jr. was in prison when he made a commitment to follow his passion.
I started drawing cartoons when I was very young. I entered a school talent contest when I was nine and created my own ...
Amanda Salomon, 13, drew a futuristic vehicle capable not only of going from A to B, but from today to yesterday.