Later the count details get updated on the LCD display, Here Arduino gets powered by an external power source, and later connected components get drawn power from the Arduino power pins. Here you can ...
We will fetch GPS data from the Neo-6M GPS module using the ESP32 and send this data to a map plotting and routing API via a ...
Printed circuit boards were once so simple. One or two layers of copper etched on a rectangular fiberglass substrate, with a ...
Small, limited-function ICs, such as watchdog timers, can make the difference between fairly good performance and solid ...
In this project, we use an Arduino Uno R4 board and other hardware to make a rather versatile and performing sound synthesizer and MIDI sequencer. In the first part of this series on audio synthesis, ...
The board includes a 3.2-inch 320 x 240 IPS TFT LCD connected via high-speed SPI and a 40-key mechanical keyboard scanned via an I2C GPIO expander. It also features an amplified 700mW speaker output ...
Ultrasonic Sensor 1: VCC ----- 5V GND ----- GND TRIG ----- Pin 9 ECHO ----- Pin 10 Ultrasonic Sensor 2: VCC ----- 5V GND ----- GND TRIG ----- Pin 11 ECHO ...
This is a library fork from TFT_eSPI. Specifically tailored for better compatibility with Seeed hardware, including boards and displays. The library provides efficient graphics and font rendering ...