Adventurers should pay a visit to this less-touristed Andean country to see stunning and majestic mountain hikes along the Avenue of the Volcanoes.
Fragile highland ecosystems showed low resilience to fire, which renders them more vulnerable to long-term degradation.
The girl was only 13 years old when she was sacrificed to the gods but had been frozen in time for hundreds of years when a ...
A fragile ecosystem in the Andean volcanic belt Pichu Pichu is located in the central volcanic zone of the Andes. UMH researchers collected soil samples at approximately 3,700 meters above sea ...
The Andes run for over 7,000km. Other mountains (usually those that stand on their own) are created by ancient volcanoes. Ben Nevis in Scotland was once a very large active volcano. It last ...
These volcanoes have a superlative aesthetic beauty ... the Central Andean páramo (home to some 11 bird species of restricted range), and the Ecuador-Peru East Andes (home to 17 restricted-range ...
The Andes run for over 7,000km. Other mountains (usually those that stand on their own) are created by ancient volcanoes. Ben Nevis in Scotland was once a very large active volcano. It last ...
Perched sky-high in the Andes at the foot of the snow-capped Pichincha volcano, Quito is—quite literally—breathtaking. Thanks to one of the largest and best-preserved colonial cores in Latin ...
The black-breasted puffleg historically inhabited the northern ridge-crests of Volcán Pichincha and Volcán Atacazo, volcanoes in the Andes . But tellingly, it hasn't been confirmed on Volcán Atacazo ...