Hay fever season is upon us once again and with it, a host of unwelcome and bothersome symptoms. So if you are struggling with hay fever symptoms and wondering how best to treat them, then listen up.
Tree, grass, and ragweed pollen are common seasonal allergy triggers ... The city ranked worse than average in pollen counts, medicine use and the number of specialists. Memphis placed fifth ...
Cough syrups can carry an increased risk of bacterial growth once opened. Dr Grant said: “Once opened, cough syrups can last ...
Cloves are long known for its medicinal properties and are lauded for their therapeutic effects Read this article to know the ...
Never use alternative treatments in a medical emergency or stop prescription medications for homeopathic medicine ... can worsen your cough. Some common triggers include: If allergies make ...
Dr Donald Grant has highlighted the importance of checking the expiry date on common medications as taking them past this ...
A doctor has urged Brits to check the expiry dates on common household items as they could become toxic if consumed past ...
Catherine's cough is due to asthma from allergies and acid reflux. But she couldn't get specialists for each working together till she went to Temple Health. "Usually for those of us that have ...
While both allergies and colds can cause sneezing and runny noses, allergies rarely cause a sore throat, cough or fever ... health at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine who tracks ...
A study published in the Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine found that ... impact of Sitopaladi Churna on allergic rhinitis, a common cause of chronic cough and sore throat.
Allergy season is beginning, and area medical professionals have some key advice. “It’s irritating, but it is manageable,” said Dr. Kenny Stewart, assistant ...
This week at UPMC Children’s Community Pediatrics is seeing an increase in cases of strep throat and stomach virus. WellSpan Pediatric Medicine Physicians across the Midstate are seeing viral ...