In “I Am a Part of Infinity,” Kieran Fox celebrates Einstein’s attempt to address the emptiness of a disenchanted world.
While the model is well-known and recognised, what do we know about the behind-the-scenes of this photo? Tongue out, hair in ...
Isaac Asimov, Commander Chris Hadfield, Steve Martin, and John McAfee were all members of Mensa, along with the inventor of ...
David Camacho, a 10-year-old from Querétaro, Mexico, boasts an IQ of 162, surpassing the 160 attributed to Albert Einstein.
As one of the most famous scientists of the 20th century, Albert Einstein has become synonymous with genius. He taught himself geometry and calculus while living in Germany in his teens before ...
March 14 is often celebrated at Pi Day, but it's also the birthday of one of our greatest scientists whose work impacts us today.
Three teenage boys have been hospitalized following a shooting in Philadelphia’s Cedarbrook/Stenton neighborhood on Saturday afternoon. The gunfire took place just after 5 p.m., police said. The ...