The quarry on national forest land, which I-40 passes through, would be one to three miles from where it’s needed. NCDOT and ...
On Tuesday, April 1, road crews will begin working on a major construction project along Interstate 40, just east of Gallup.
The U.S Department of Transportation has "cleared a number of legal barriers" allowing the N.C. Department of Transportation ...
Here is the weekly road construction report for District 29: ...
A 40 acre brush fire in the Couchton area, near New Holland and Shaws Fork roads, drew a response from firefighters ...
Table Rock Fire in Pickens County. Persimmon Ridge Fire: 1,553 acres, 0% contained. Greenville and Pickens County Evacuation ...
The goal is to expedite the process of rebuilding a 4-mile stretch that collapsed during the Helene floods on Sept. 27. The ...
Several shop owners say decreased tourism and increased drive times have hurt business over the last 6 months.
I’m going to be happy when the community can see that there are no longer any large issues,” Fansler said. “We’ll be out ...
Roland DeGroff's death "just rocked our entire world," his wife said. Two years later, her three children "have not adjusted.
The project is a two-year effort to widen and increase safety on a traffic artery for about 30,000 daily motorists moving ...
An aerial view of the Miller’s home at the corner of 55th East and Idaho Highway 26, encompassed by two recharge basin ...