What if you could take a picture of every gene inside a living organism—not with light, but with DNA itself? Scientists at ...
UChicago researchers develop a new technology to create a spatial map of gene expression for an entire organism.
Research shows UV radiation modifies 3D genome structure, affecting DNA damage response and gene activity, offering insights ...
New work from UC Davis and the University of Utah shows how the 3D structure of DNA inside a germ cell commits it to develop into a sperm cell. The discovery could improve understanding of fertility ...
Although DNA is a long, stringy molecule ... from one genetic program to another—each defined by a particular 3D genome structure. "We are uncovering the language of cell memory and cell ...
A study from Cornell researchers could enable a quantum leap forward in identifying and deciphering cancer-driving genetic ...
“We are finding the 3D structure of the genome,” said Satoshi ... Genes can be physically close to the enhancer DNA switches that turn them on and off even if they are far apart in the DNA ...
Although DNA is a long, stringy molecule ... cell requires shifting it from one genetic program to another – each defined by a particular 3D genome structure. “We are uncovering the language of cell ...
A key advantage of this study is that the organoids—mini-3D replicas of pancreatic tumors grown ... "We see firsthand that ...
We are finding the 3D structure of the genome ... Davis and senior author on one of the papers Although DNA is a long, stringy molecule, in living cells it is folded and looped like a ball ...