"The Brutalist" is the top favorite among bookmakers in the Oscar race, particularly in the most prestigious categories like Best Actor. However, the film's editor revealed that AI enhanced Adrien Brody's Hungarian accent,
After roles in “Memento” and “L.A. Confidential” made him famous, Pearce turned his back on Hollywood. At age 57, he’s returned in “The Brutalist.”
Adrien Brody may be a victim of Guy Pearce’s power in “The Brutalist” but ... to build a massive community center in the middle of Pennsylvania. During the 2025 NYFCC ceremony on Wednesday evening in Manhattan, Pearce introduced his co-star and ...
Guy Pearce knits his brow. “You know, people have said to me, quite openly, ‘Wow, you really f---ed your career, didn’t you?’ He meets my gaze. “I’m like, did I?! I’ve just done three films, and I’ve got another one coming. Did I f--- it? Oh, OK, that’s interesting …”
Stefan Pape interviews Felicity Jones, Guy Pearce & Joe Alwyn on The Brutalist - the genius of Corbet, Jedi-influences & hiding in cupboards.
Adrien Brody captivates as a post-war immigrant who comes to America to chase his version of the American Dream.
Guy Pearce knits his brow ... There, he meets Harrison Lee Van Buren, a self-made, square-jawed Pennsylvania industrialist played by Pearce. Van Buren becomes Tóth’s patron, entrusting ...
One of the most acclaimed movies of 2024 is about a Jewish architect and Holocaust survivor who settles in Philadelphia.
"The Brutalist" is a nearly four-hour historical drama starring Adrien Brody as celebrated architect László Tóth. Here's what's real in the new movie.
"The Brutalist" is the biggest favourite among bookmakers in the Oscar race in the most prestigious categories, including Best Actor. However, the film's editor "let slip" that AI was used to enhance Adrien Brody's Hungarian accent.
"The Brutalist" is the leading favourite among bookmakers in the Oscar race in the most prestigious categories, including Best Actor. However, the film's editor "let slip" that AI was used to enhance Adrien Brody's Hungarian accent.
The Department of Justice is recommending a 20-year sentence for a Pennsylvania man for his role during the Jan. 6