The Seattle Police Department says it’s arrested a 39-year-old man accused of violently attacking a transgender person in the ...
Cascade Line derailed: Amtrak pulled dozens of train cars from its Cascades service, the route that runs between Eugene, ...
There are almost as many ways to describe the El Rey as there are years under its (metaphorical) belt. One can outline its ...
Seattle inaugurated its fifth-ever Civic Poet, Dujie Tahat, in a ceremony in the City Council Chambers. Hosted by the Office ...
On Monday, March 31, Century Ballroom will close for good. Ahead of its final weekend, Cynthia Brothers of Vanishing Seattle ...
Erika Evans, 35, nursing a split-shot latte at Victrola on Capitol Hill, asked, “Do you like Kendrick Lamar?” As someone with ...
When I texted my trombone-major boyfriend to ask if he wanted to go see the Seattle Symphony perform Gustav Holst’s The ...
Charge your phones and computers and all that, maybe scrounge up some candles or extra flashlights if you’ve got ‘em, and you ...
The US Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers detained 25-year-old activist farmworker Alfredo “Lelo” Juarez Zeferino ...
And in the spirit of diversity, which has to be imposed, as it doesn't come naturally to most Americans, I want to recommend two local film-related events. One is Charles Burnett's neglected ...
I don’t know where I heard about PublicSquare, and I’m not sure why people in my sphere (including me) are just now learning ...