How did one group, formed by often-feuding brothers from working-class North London, have this much depth and scope? “Sunny ...
A blizzard notwithstanding, the stark change in weather couldn’t have been more perfect for Lifeline’s production of “Leaf," ...
4 16 (Dance Center of Columbia College) Red Clay Dance Company’s return to the Dance Center includes a restaging of “Written ...
Depending on your mood and disposition, the magical ending of this play might make you roll your eyes. But I always find it ...
Richard Brinsley Sheridan’s classic late eighteenth century biting satire of the idle rich is given a fresh reboot.
The theme of the spring performance series at the Museum of Contemporary Art is “Lineages.” Gutierrez speaks about how the ...
Double Freedom from Tyranny: A Review of "Fidelio" at Lyric Opera and "Leonora" at Chicago Opera Theater It is a rare and ...
Teatro La Plaza’s "Hamlet" is nearly entirely about the actors themselves, framed by the playwright’s agitprop on their ...