The US presidential election was eagerly awaited in the Kingdom of Cambodia. After all, it was clear that the rivalry between the USA and China, which had already been announced in advance, and ...
Brazil is recognized as the first country to institutionalize a national policy aimed at promoting agroecology. Whether due to the achievements made or the obstacles encountered, the Brazilian ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is facing its most severe crisis since the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement in 1995. In 2024, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with BiH, a ...
The recent arrest warrant of the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Galant, and Mohammed Diab Ibrahim Al-Masri marked a significant moment in the history of ...
The Clean Industrial Deal, presented by the European Commission on 25 February 2025, puts the circular economy at the center of the EU’s industrial strategy. This is a central and positive development ...
The burning of wood in power and heat installations as well as the industrial use of charcoal are expanding rapidly worldwide. This development is driven by a combination of renewable energy targets ...
The ruling Georgian Dream party won Georgia’s 2024 parliamentary elections by engaging in election manipulation, adopting the classical illiberal-authoritarian playbook. The EU must now insist on an ...
Um eine dauerhafte Friedenslösung in Nahost nicht zu gefährden, muss sich die EU von den USA emanzipieren. Das Völkerrecht ...
Die Justiz von Bosnien und Herzegowina hat Haftbefehle gegen Milorad Dodik, Präsident der Republika Srpska, und weitere ...
Fürsorge ist die Grundlage allen Lebens, doch in unserer Gesellschaft wird Gesundheit oft als zweitrangig behandelt. Der ...
Wie reagieren asiatische Länder auf die Politik von Donald Trump in seiner zweiten Amtszeit? Wir haben unsere Expert*innen ...
Zu den wichtigsten Sicherheitsversprechen der Sozialpolitik gehört eine auskömmliche Rente. Diese Studie analysiert das ...