The Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks to undertake a Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the Danish Country Programme in Somalia 2019 – 2023. The Somalia Country Policy Paper 2018-2023 provides the overall ...
In January 2023, the Government of Ukraine established the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine (hereinafter – the Agency). The Agency has been tasked with ...
OBS (26-03-2025 11:28:16) SYDSUDAN/USTABIL SIKKERHEDSSITUATION: Sikkerhedssituationen i hele Sydsudan er alvorlig og uforudsigelig. Den kan forværres med intet eller meget kort varsel. Grænseovergange ...
Vær til enhver tid opmærksom på din personlige sikkerhed og hold dig opdateret om udviklingen via de lokale myndigheder, nyhedsmedierne og dit rejsebureau. Generel anbefaling Når du rejser til De ...
SYDKOREA/NATURBRANDE: Naturbrande hærger i det sydøstlige Sydkorea. Flere mennesker har mistet livet, og tusindvis af beboere evakueres i provinserne Gyeongsangbuk-do og Gyeongsangnam-do, særligt fra ...
Read more about legalisation of documents here.
Tech for Democracy is a Danish-led initiative that brings together representatives from governments, multilateral organisations, tech industry and civil society to make technology work for democracy ...
Official visits and special events. State visits and matters related to the Royal Court, including the Royal Court’s travels abroad, the administration and representation of the Protocol. The Protocol ...
Denmark and the EU aim for greater attention to the wishes and priorities of the African countries. Equal partnerships with African countries is a central focus of the new strategy.
The legalisation office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not legalise documents issued in other countries. The issuing country is responsible for legalising the document. Legalisation does not ...
Regeringen styrker dansk engagement med de afrikanske lande. Danmark og EU skal blive bedre til at lytte til afrikanske landes ønsker og prioriteter. Ligeværdige partnerskaber med de afrikanske lande ...
Denmark shows solidarity with Ukraine through multifaceted and long-term support provided bilaterally and in concert with our partners and allies. Since the outbreak of the war, Danish support to ...