Recent research backs the explanation of "common liability"—not a "gateway" effect—for why youth who try vaping are likelier ...
The bill would set quantity-based mandatory minimum sentences for convictions involving fentanyl-related substances.
I know this from my time injecting meth. Many harm reduction resources reflect it. It applies to flavored vapes, too.
The original study made headlines but was heavily criticized. "If you fix it, the result does not hold," says a researcher ...
Under World Health Oganization guidance, the FCTC has departed from its original mission to target options that can save ...
Sex work is consensual, while trafficking is not. But those lines are not always black and white, and law enforcement ...
The Thistle, which opened in Glasgow, represents historic progress. Given pressing needs in Scotland, advocates hope it will ...
The in-person experiment uncovered frequent lack of availability, plus significant stigma around syringe purchases.
The new law prevents county sheriffs from releasing certain people based solely on lack of bed space. It specifically targets ...
A provincial law passed in December would force at least 10 of Ontario's 17 sites to close by March 31. Can it be stopped?
Researchers found that local overdose deaths increased in the days following a seizure, and recommended SF offer safe supply ...
The survey involved 67,000 respondents from 35 countries. Its valuable insights promote understanding that can inform harm ...