The Netherlands is a delta, a country that exists by the grace of water. Yet only in 1957 a professional ecological research institute for fresh water was established: the Hydrobiological Institute, a ...
The Dutch contributing partners of the international MiningImpact3 consortium have been awarded 1.4 million euros. The money ...
30-NOV-2017 - Climate change discussions on social media are very influential. A new study in BioScience shows that when it comes to iconic topics such as polar bears and retreating sea ice, climate ...
25-SEP-2017 - Nature on Sint Eustatius has been heavily affected by hurricane Irma that struck the island in the early morning of Wednesday 6 September. Most visible are the effects on land. During a ...
28-APR-2016 - Management measures aimed at restoring commercial stocks of marine fish, for example cod, is an efficient tool to decrease eutrophication effects in coastal areas. This is the main ...
28-NOV-2017 - Ever wonder what makes soil, soil? And could soil from the Amazon rainforest really be the same as soil from your garden? Researchers from the University of Manchester and the ...
19-JUL-2018 - As Arctic temperatures continue to rise, barnacle geese are increasingly at risk of arriving in their breeding areas too late. The good news is that they can speed up their 3,000 ...
10-FEB-2017 - The Greater Mara is a 668,500 hectare natural area in south-western Kenya which is home to a unique variety of wildlife. But it is also home to the famous Masai tribe. New research shows ...
Naast gepassioneerde professionals kent RAVON ook 3.500 vrijwilligers die zich in weer en wind inzetten voor de natuur. In de ...
Kom ook dit jaar naar het strand voor de landelijke Schelpenteldag. Weten wat je ziet op het strand maakt elk volgend ...
In september 2024 zijn twee tijgers met steun van WWF-NL naar Kazachstan gebracht. De Nederlandse tijgers Bohdana en Kuma ...