I ignore these emails, or I ask the sender to communicate from a real email address if the issue seems important. I promise to protect, as I have for a quarter-century now, the identities of faculty ...
News and views about philosophy, the academic profession, academic freedom, intellectual culture, and other topics. The world's most popular philosophy blog, since 2003.
Their letter to University leadership (earlier coverage): Dear President Cudd, Provost Chabon, Dean Rosenstiel, Associate Dean Carlson, and Associate Dean Oslund, We, the faculty of the Department of ...
In addition to the separate posts announcing (generally tenured) faculty moves, I will keep a running list of all lateral moves (and retirements and deaths) not reflected in the faculty lists for the ...
...and economic coercion against Canada. We're in for four years of this childish imbecile! The threats against Canada prompted these striking observations from philosopher Rachel Barney (at the ...
The penulimate version on SSRN, for a volume that OUP will publish on the legal philosophy of Leslie Green. The abstract: Leslie Green raised an important challenge to my reconstruction of the ...
MOVING TO FRONT FROM DECEMBER 24, 2024, FOR THOSE WHO MAY HAVE MISSED IT April Marx's critique of Stirner "On Gutting the Liberal Arts" "Law is a Moral Practice" (it isn't, actually, except sometimes ...