World War II U.S. Navy Veteran, Joseph McCarron, celebrated his 100th birthday surrounded by friends and loved ones earlier ...
The USS Nevada served in World War I and World War II and sat off Bikini Atoll in July 1946 during atomic bomb tests, ...
The crew of the Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Scranton (SSN 756) received the storied O’Kane cribbage board ...
The 33-foot Corsair, on loan from Florida, had to be “rigged up on skates” to get to the Intrepid’s hangar deck.
John Simanton’s collection reflects a time when world wars were fought at sea – when mighty ships battled each other across ...
A Japanese vessel was reportedly stationed there during ... As a result, the shimmering sea surrounding Samui is likely swollen with World War II shipwrecks, says Chambers. He believes a huge ...
In 2020, the Office of Naval Intelligence told Congress that Chinese naval ships are now “in many cases comparable” to their ...
Discover the Intrepid Museum's World War II exhibit, showcasing the Corsair aircraft and artifacts from Loren Isley's final mission and other historic items.
Alfred Thayer Mahan would be appalled. The great 19th-century strategist and navalist surely would be shocked and mystified that we have allowed the country with which we are most likely to fight a ...