Acupuncture may lower the frequency and intensity of hot flashes by triggering the nervous system. This, in turn, causes your ...
At least 40 percent of people in menopause experience mood changes including anxiety or depression, says Dr. Loeb-Zeitlin, ...
Menopause affects about half the world’s population at some point in life. Yet women often don't recognize their insomnia, ...
Q. My husband had been getting testosterone shots every three weeks for many years for Low T. I was concerned that this might be affecting his heart, so he agreed to stop the shots this summer and see ...
Oscar-winning actor Gwyneth Paltrow recently opened up on how drinking “every night” worsened her insomnia and anxieties and ...
I am now going through menopause. Despite being on medications to control the symptoms, I often suffer a hot flash at work while meeting with customers. I keep a paper fan at my desk, but I get funny ...
In this edition of The People’s Pharmacy, Joe and Teresa Graedon also hear from a reader wondering how they can find out more about diagnosing thyroid problems.
But menopause is more than the pop culture stereotype featuring women in their 50s having hot flashes. Symptoms can start much earlier — during perimenopause, the time leading up to menopause ...
That could mean more restroom breaks, uniform adaptations to help with hot flashes or flexible working hours, Daniels said. People working for employers who do not subsidize menopause-related care ...