The Warthog’s GAU-8 Gatling gun can carry an astonishing 1,174 rounds of ammunition, which is stored in the aircraft’s fuselage. This capacity allows the A-10 to engage multiple targets or to ...
Perhaps the Warthog’s most critical capability is its hefty armament load. The hydraulically driven GAU-8/A Avenger Gatling gun positioned under the nose of the aircraft can fire at a rate of ...
Equipped with the formidable GAU-8 Avenger 30mm gatling gun mounted on its nose, the Warthog provides unmatched close-air ground support. With its eleven store pylons, the aircraft can carry an ...
The Air Force’s decision to award the contract to Fairchild Republic—which went on to build the A-10 Warthog—proved to be one of the greatest decisions Pentagon acquisitions experts have ever made.