Making even one credit card mistake can wipe out all of the cash back or rewards you've earned. Learn what you need to avoid.
It should go without saying that the most important thing you need to do with a credit card is use it responsibly. If you don ...
Credit card issuers offer zero liability protection to safeguard your account from being improperly used by strangers, but ...
An alarming share of older adults use credit cards to cover basic living expenses, AARP reports in a new survey.
Debt settlement, a strategy considered by one in 10 respondents, is the process of negotiating your credit card debt with your creditor. This can be a negotiation that you handle on your own, but ...
The no-annual-fee credit card strategy is gaining popularity as people learn to take advantage of points without paying for ...
The growing trend of multiple credit card use allows individuals to enjoy various benefits. However, careful management is ...
Applying for a credit card is usually easy and quick. But waiting for approval and for the physical card to arrive can take a little time. Although some credit cards offer instant approval and ...
Taxpayers are encouraged to carefully review the terms of their credit card agreements before making a decision. But it’s ...
The Bilt credit card's ability to earn rewards on an expense (rent) that traditionally hasn't been rewards-eligible has ...
One type of credit card—the 0% annual percentage rate credit card—can even work as a type of interest-free loan when you use it for purchases. Some cards in this niche let you avoid interest ...
Credit card statements contain important financial information. Here’s how to manage both paper and digital statements.